In case you missed it, I've been implementing a big upgrade for the past, um, 16 hours or so (only 12 of them past the estimate). Here's a sparse log of my progress, which was the Blogger home page up until a few minutes ago. (A lot of drama for what, if all goes well, won't be much noticable change, but it'll be worth it. We've moved all the furniture, ripped up the carpet and laid down a better floor. We've put the old furniture back for now, but that will be worked on next. As well as working on the floor some more. Okay, the metaphor doesn't work so well.)
Anyway, as I write this, things seem to be working. (If I didn't have to leave for a meeting, I'd test more first.) But as I said even before I started the upgrade process: I expect things to go wrong. Please kindly let me know what they are, so I can fix them as quickly as possible (I'm talking new problems here -- not the same old one you've been having ;-).
Thanks, once again, for your patience.
BTW: I broke the Recently Updated list. It isn't going to work until I have time to look at it later (perhaps, after I sleep).
BTW#2: I broke Blogger Pro, so you beta users are stuck using the lowly regular version (that's a joke, folks!) for the time being. I'm sorry. I hope this doesn't screw up anything on your blogs. Mine seem to be working fine. Lemme know, if so.
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